Grupo Miguel Vergara:

the best meat in the world for its quality and its commitment to animal welfare.

Grupo Miguel Vergara es una empresa líder en el sector cárnico que trasciende la carne de vacuno. Con una tradición ganadera familiar y altos estándares de calidad, gestionan todo el proceso productivo, desde el campo hasta la mesa. En sus propias granjas, bajo rigurosos controles veterinarios, seleccionan y crían las mejores razas de terneros en las instalaciones de producción más grandes de España.

The Miguel Vergara Angus distinctive designates those specimens of this breed that have superior gastronomic qualities, standing out for their intense flavor, their high degree of infiltration, their great juiciness and their tender character that melts in the mouth. The best place to buy Angus beef is here

Vergara Beef Grupo Miguel Vergara is the leading national producer of calves, born and raised on its own farms. They specialize in developing uniform lines in breed, sex, conformation, and fat to meet specific customer needs. Vergara Beef embodies these qualities, offering high production capacity and rigorous control from the source, resulting in consistently recognized quality meat.

Company details

Office in Lithuania

